Personal Coaching in Fundraising and Income Generation
Personal Coaching in Fundraising and Income Generation by an Institute of Fundraising (IoF) qualified consultant
Programme information
Who it is for
- Chief Executives
- Senior Managers
- Project managers
- Anyone else with a responsibility for fundraising or income generation within the organisation
Programme aims
To develop:
- A sustainable approach to funding that is specific to the organisation.
- The individual’s knowledge, skills and confidence in fundraising and income generation
- Exploring the organisation’s work and clarifying the remit of the personal coaching service.
- Clarifying case(s) for support of specific project.
- Clarifying details of case for support (activities, outputs and outcomes).
- Researching potential sources of funding. E.g. individual donors, corporates, statutory, trusts, local organisations (Rotary, Masons etc.), earned income.
- Report of next steps with: (a) Advice on different funding sources. b) Practical action points on how to make approaches.
- Review of work done on approaches to funders with feedback and coaching.
- Developing & implementing a fundraising and income generation skills personal action plan.
Delivery and duration
2 days support on a specific project requiring sustainable funding sources;
3 on-going coaching sessions over a 3-month period to develop personal fundraising capacity.
What is included
- Access to an IoF-qualified consultant.
- Initial telephone contact and email support.
- Face-to-face visit in candidate’s workplace.
- Guidance and support on a specific fundraising project.
- On-going telephone and email support to develop personal fundraising and income generation capacity.
Make a booking
To find out more about our course please contact:
Tel: 0845 450 0285