Direct Delivery Support

Direct delivery support (face-to-face, telephone and email support) For Chairs/CEOs/Fundraising leads

Direct Delivery Support

1.  Fundraising coaching

Cost: £120 per session

A minimum of two and up to six hour coaching sessions (each with ½ hour additional support)

Coaching sessions provided in person or by telephone.

Each series of coaching sessions to have a specific aim, mutually agreed before coaching commences.

2.  Fundraising strategy and coaching

Cost: £1,100      

This includes development of a fundraising strategy combined with a 1-day on-site visit, together with six further coaching sessions and additional support, to help implement and embed the strategy.

3. Grant-making trusts research and application preparation

Cost: £450/day

Researching and drafting applications to grant-making trusts

Make a booking

To find out more about our course please contact:

Tel: 0845 450 0285