
This section consists of research undertaken by Attend Academy, in addition hosts research undertaken by external organisations on inclusivity and ethnic minorities.

Academy Research Projects and Papers

Opening doors to volunteering (EYV11)

EYV11 – ‘Opening the door to volunteering to underrepresented groups’ This programme was funded by the Cabinet Office as part of the European Year of Volunteering 2011.

HR and Volunteer Management – True Affinity and Beyond

The report visits studies undertaken by the Institute of Volunteering Research around the unsolved problem of ‘compatibility’.

Engaging young people as volunteers

A literature review of 5 books about youth volunteering.

Quantum People Management

This paper aims to use principles of quantum mechanics to provide insight into the principles of people management.

Volunteering Fundraising in Health and Social Care

Research on the needs of volunteer fundraisers in health and social care.

Forged in the fire of adversity?

An exploration of what helped create women leaders in Leagues of Friends.

Forged in the fires of belief?

An exploration of faith and community engagement in the member groups of Attend.

Volunteer Management

Links to volunteer management good practice guides and resources.

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Other Research & Articles

Research undertaken by external organisations around volunteer engagement.